Sunday, July 27, 2008

People I've met

I've realised I've had the opportunity to meet and reconnect with some great people outside of the stewards program, and this is where I give at least some of the a "shout out."

The first is to Elizabeth Keaton, who is, as many of you know, a priest from the Diocese of Newark and fabulous person. I also got to meet Jon, a candidate for Holy Orders in that diocese and working with Integrity at Lambeth.

The next is to Neva Rae Fox, wife of a fellow deputy from Dio NJ who is hear as press for the PB's office, who is a doing a grand a job with all of the press people in the pen upstairs in Darwin. Its got to be a difficult job for all the press (including Elizabeth) as there is little news worthy that is occuring. There are press conferences that they are all attending though.

The next person I met was Mary Francis Schjonberg. She is the sort whose name I have seen in numerous places but didn't know what she looked like until I managed to severely put my foot in my mouth.

I spoke with Bishop Pierre Whalon of the Convocation of American Churches in Europe who apparently knows I have this blog as well as my own bishops and numerous other people both from 815 and abroad

So to everyone, here is your shout out, and if I missed you, let me know and I'll write you up in the next one

In peace,
A Lambeth Steward

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Looks like you are having even more fun than we had at "Of Course I Could Be In New York . . ."